Charity Profile

Royal Liverpool Seamen's Orphan Institution

Registered Charity No.526379

The Royal Liverpool Seamen's Orphan Institution was set up nearly 150 years ago to help the many orphans of Merseyside seafarers, and until 1949 it ran an orphanage in Liverpool.

We now fund the education and welfare of children, and currently assist around 175 families from all over the UK by providing substantial monthly grants along with any support and guidance needed.

It is really important that all those involved with merchant seafaring, particularly their welfare, are aware of the Institution and what we are able to do on behalf of the families after losing a parent.

People don't often realise that we are a national charity who help families all over the U.K. and in most circumstances we will be able to provide that much needed financial help.

Imagine the difference we can make!

To qualify, the family need to show that the deceased parent served in either the Merchant Navy or the fishing fleet and if a grant is awarded, it will continue until the child finishes full time education which includes College and University.

Please think about this:

  • Is there a family that you know who has lost a seafaring parent?
  • Are you the widow or partner of a deceased merchant seafarer or fisherman?
  • Do you have pre-school age children, children at school, students attending College or University?
  • Are you a merchant seafarer or fisherman who has had to give up their work due to the death of their partner?
  • Could that family use some help?

"The difference the RLSOI has made since coming into our lives cannot be measured, and the financial assistance has made a huge difference to my family. The support you have given me over the last few years has allowed me to have a far less stressful lifestyle, to eat properly, and kept me healthy and motivated so that I can produce good results both in and outside of medicine. I cannot thank you enough"

Similar charities that may also be able to offer support:

Email: Tel. 0151 227 3417. Fax 0151 227 3417
