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Use the drop down menus to search for educational grants that meet your needs. If you are a parent, guardian or grandparent, please use the 'Categories' menu to select any relevant professions with which you are associated.
We have also included a full list of each of the charities featured on our site below.

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Our member trusts are here to provide the support you need

The Royal Pinner Educational Trust

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We can support with educational costs for children where at least one parent is, or has recently been, a sales representative, selling business to business, with a significant element of travel and whose family circumstances have been affected by adversity.

Royal Hospital School

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Royal Hospital School is a leading, co-educational boarding and day school, with a unique naval heritage, that provides a full and broad education fit for the modern world, set in 200 acres of stunning Suffolk countryside overlooking the River Stour.

St Marylebone Educational Foundation

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Educational grants for individuals under 25 years of age who have lived or attended school in the City of Westminster, for at least two years. The Foundation also gives grants to schools and organisations that are situated within the City of Westminster. The school or organisation must be assisting people that live or attend school in the area.

The Alexander Duckham Memorial Schools Trust

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ADMST offers support to the children of RAF personnel past and present. Eligibility is checked through the parent's service record. Parents can be biological, adoptive, guardians, or one who has no formal connection but has accepted financial responsibility for the child.

Armed Forces Education Trust

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The Armed Forces Education Trust is a charity supporting children and young adults whose education has been compromised or put at risk as a result of parents' past or current service in our Armed Forces.

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"Please pass on my very grateful thanks to the Trustees for the support given to my daughter. I am delighted to be able to tell you she gained A* A A for her A levels. She will be taking up her place at Cambridge to read Theology in 2015."

The parent of a child who was supported by Reedham Children's Trust

Transforming lives through education

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